Title: Tenderness Artist:mitsu_mazoku Pairing: Yuuri/Wolfram Raiting: G Note: I've found a long forgotten drawing again. This was drawn last summer ^^.
Title: Practice Makes PerfectArtist: Mitsu Characters: Greta and Wolfram Raiting: G Note: Dedicated to all writers who had written that Wolf had trained his daugther with the sword.^^
Title: Warming-Up Artist: mitsu_mazoku Beta: schroedingerwal Rating: G Pairing: Wolfyuu / Yuuram Genre: Romance Disclaimer: The artist does not own KKM. A/N: Written for orenda33 for kkm_xmas . Original request: Wolfram/Yuuri, any rating - There was a reason why fire users weren't particularly fond of snow.
Title: Bishounen Artist: Mitsu Rating: G Character: Wolfram Note: Dedicated to femaleshinigami !You're gonna get two fanarts. This and a yuuram fanart later on!
Title: A Brief Glimpse Artist: Mitsu Character: Wolfram Raiting: G Warning: none. (Wolfram's upper body is just naked.) Note: Last fanart for this year^^
Artist: Mitsu Raiting: PG - T (in my opinion it's PG XD" ) Characters: WolfxYuu, Wolfram Dedication: Sorry, I'm so blunt and dedicate this to you, toshimalfoy :D. Thanks for giving the link! Warning: HARMLESS NUDITY.
Title: Baby Wolfram Artist: Mitsu Raiting: PG Character: Wolfram Note: Ahh this is an online drawing again! Just being in a mood for this,even though it's not a great drawing HAHAH